Monday, May 30, 2011

kitty cat kitty cat

before i start, it is officially my 100th post, i never thought i would come this far.. but i did! so it's kinda like a birthday? happy birthday my journal/blog! you are therapeutic to me.

meet my babies (left to right) tiger, sassy, sugar and steve (after his momma).
i love these babies with all i have! i love to just hold them up to my face and kiss em all over!
they remind me so much of their momma, who i miss so much!

there she is, stevie, with her babies.

call me the crazy cat lady, i don't care! i love them.

i miss you stevie, on hard days; i need you to meow at my door and comfort me. RIP

1 comment:

  1. oh i love those kittens. they all smell like babies..? haha your lotion? ohh tass i love you!
