i passed drivers ed: i honestly feel like i got the luck of the draw with my online teacher. i see people who slave over the million assignments that they have. my friend had to do her drivers ed based on a huge book. fortunate me, i only had to do it on the handbook, and watch some videos. i spent a total of 3 days on drivers ed, and then i was done. simple as that.
i got my license: the day after i finished drivers ed, i went to my roading instructor and got my cirtificate of completion of all the required things i needed to do before i could get my license. after excitingly telling people i could FINALLY go, i went down to the DLD with my mommy. my permit picture, was extremely rough, and i was hoping that my drivers license picture, wouldn't be as bad. with my luck, of course.. it was worse; from what i can see of my black and white copy. crossing my fingers that the colored one wont look AS bad.
car: no no no, i don't have a car.. yet! i have been talking to my dad about getting me a car, and it seems to be going well.. i'm not getting my hopes up though. but i can't help but go on craigslist.org and look at cars, i found this one that i really liked!
i don't know why all of a sudden i'm car hungry, i have done perfectly fine without one thus far.. but i just really would like to be able to drive myself places, and not rely on others.
a job: i had an interview yesterday as well (i know, a long day), and i felt like i was really qualified and all that jazz. but the guy was kind of sketching because i go to michigan for a month in the summer, to see my family. so i'm a little worried about that, but it was a great oppurtunity to interview and actually have a chance.
grades: this term i have gotten the best grades i've ever gotten! which is a huge relief- not saying i didn't have the potential before- but this term i really tried to get good grades.. i don't have that hard of classes, but a lot of busy work; which isn't always bad. so i am really happy about that.
i find myself knocking on wood all the time, because not one time has this many good things have happened to me at once. KNOCK ON FREAKING WOOD.
ahh so proud of you for getting your license!!!! atta girl Cass! In a way I wish I would've done that, instead of freaking struggling through drivers ed!!! haha. but good luck with that job, I hope you get it! (: