Saturday, July 2, 2011

My Other Half

Meet Alex Missad

now that you have been introduced, let me tell you how we met:

once upon a time, i received an inbox stating this: i just stalked your graphics album, and i feel like we'd get along real well.

and was she ever right! i have never met someone who i can be more honest with, and i never feel like i'm rambling; she truly does understand me. our friendship may have started quite odd, but i don't care at all. i'm just glad that it did start. i spent a majority of my michigan trip with her, and when she left me for 10 days, i had no idea what to do with myself. she never ever judges me. there are way too many things that are similar with us, from favorite colors to songs, even to sweatshirts. she has helped me through some of my toughest decisions this past month, and i thank her so much for that. i can't forget, all the majorly amazing/reckless times we have together. it honestly is never a dull moment with us. i am completely content with us just driving around listening to music and talking about the endless subjects in life. as cliche as it sounds, she really has become one of my very very best friends in this short month. i am so thankful that she came into my life, she's definitely made a difference for me! even if she is the only one that thinks i'm funny :) she will be coming out to utah on july 25th to stay with me for a week, and i don't think utah realizes what is about to happen. 2 of me? hahahah oh man, things are going to get crazy! but i honestly can't wait. well i fr3@k!!n <3 yewww alex missad, TROLOLOLOLOL! but forreal, i love you and i'm glad we've become best friends.

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