Wednesday, March 2, 2011


days are legitimately dragging on.. i feel like everyday is the same; and it goes a little somethin' like this:
-snooze my alarm
-text panties to pick me up (hahahha tootie, j and panties; you better get this)
-go to 1st hour late
-go get an ARC slip
-class as usual
-ARC during flex and lunch
-4th period
-go home
-hang out
now repeat.

i would like a little bit of spicing up in my life, please!
update on my internship dealio; i cannot do it. i am quite upset about it, but i guess it was what was meant to be. i really felt like it was calling for me, but for 2 of the meetings i will be in florida with my family and sky. so i guess it's worth it to miss out on, but i really do enjoy that field. what is better then filming, editing, and writing about something? i seriously would love it. oh well, there will be another chance; i'm sure.

so in my english class we were reading Tuesdays with Morrie, and honestly, it was the greatest book! i say that about a lot of books, but this one was definitely up there. here are some quotes from the book:

"Life is a series of pulls back and fourth. you want to do one thing, but are bound to do something else. something hurts you, yet you know it shouldn't. you take certain things for granted, even when you know you should never take anything for granted."

"the most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let love come in."

"Forgive yourself before you die. Then forgive others."

“Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other people to trust you, you must feel that you can trust them, too–even when you’re in the dark. Even when you’re falling."

these may mean nothing to you, but as dumb as it sounds; he even taught me a lot when i was just reading the story. he really makes you think about what you do, and selfishness. i don't know i really liked it.

i feel like i ramble a lot, so i think i'm going to go take a shower; i know i'm not going to want to get up in the morning to do so... and i'm sure i would like some extra time to sleep.


  1. this book, like seriously changed my life.
    i LOVED it.

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm laughing out loud. because that's how MY day is EXACTLY everyday. except I rarely make it to a whole day of school... I usually show up about 3rd period! hahaha. And Tuesday's with Morrie is SO good, I was gonna do a blog post about it too once I finished it!!!
